
Hi, my name is


and I’m the founder of  Inside Vision Lab. On this site you will find my graphic design portfolio. Making 3D images i’s definitely one of my favorite fun hobbies. Yes, It’s so exciting to create glossy reflective molecular structures in POVRay! I like the process  of 3D construction more than the final products.  Probably that’s why my images are often need to be improved and better textured. That’s why I’ll be posting here all my work-in-progress and I hope for your opinion and suggestions on it. Design is my hobby not my career. My area of specialisation is organic chemistry,  I work with organic compounds known to be of significant commercial value in medicine and material science: from lab-scale to highly applied product development.

Galleries pages will soon allow people to have access to image files to buy and download under licence. Yes to E-Commerce! The world has gone digital and a world of free enterprise. I hope it  won’t take too long to create a digital store, but I’m doing all myself, so please let me know if anything doesn’t work. Now I use Shutterstock, Fotolia and Dreamstime to sell my graphic works, it doesn’t make me real money, but it makes me so happy to feel other people enjoying the work I’ve done!

Jerome Courcambeck

He was the person who inspired me to design my first  models with POVRay!  I  loved his effective scientific presentations illustrated with delicious detailed  images  and  i absolutely wanted to know how to do it myself. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and providing excellent technical assistance!

He is CEO of  Life Science & Drug Discovery. His cabinet provides high-quality technical and scientific consulting services to  a broad range of clients in the Life Science arena (drug design, chemical synthesis of compound libraries for screening, assay development).  Now they run a virology training programme in care of patients with HIV and Hepatite C infection for medical staff groups and hospitals groups.

For Inside Visilon Lab he provides visualization solutions that include molecular modeling, refinement, docking, structure analysis, and publication-quality illustrations using the PDB archive information about experimentally-determined structures of proteins, nucleic acids, and complex assemblies.  He also provides a comprehensive summary of results of simulations and computed vibrational modes, as well as the display of inter-atomic distances, bond angles, dihedral angles, and vectors (velocity, dipole, etc.) charges and interactions :  van der Walls contacts, hydrogen bonds, salt bridges…
He is highly skilled in X-ray crystallography and bioinformatics and have the required softwares, equipments, and many years of experience.

Fabrice Portet

provides graphic solutions adapted to our clients communication needs :

-Print media : guides, annual reports,  brochures, catalogues, cards, posters, invitations, catalogues, books, posters

-Visual identity: corporate identity and logo design, graphic charter

Fill free to contact us:    contact AT invilab DOT com (Remember to change the words to the appropriate symbols)

or via contact form on our site